Hello friends!
Inspired by Bleubird Vintage here are some bits and pieces of the last few days. The first picture is from my town’s very own Fashion’s Night Out. I was wearing my new Jack BB Dakota Swan dress. It was such an amazing night at the boutique I work at. We had models in the windows, a photographer taking pictures, mini make-up makeovers and appetizers and drinks. Not to mention 20% off everything. So fun! After I got out I went and enjoyed the other businesses own events happening downtown with my friend Brooke. Picture two is me and my niece on Friday. She is getting so big. I heart her. The next two pictures are just some of the fun we had later that night at the 2011 South End Art Hop. We enjoyed a set at our friend Creston’s studio of our friend Ryan Ober’s music. Not too mention we got to admire Creston’s amazing guitars. Later we went to a photo studio for the exhibit and party. I may or may not have a started the dance party. Just saying. Finally the last four pictures are from today. I’m wearing my new to me thrifted handmade dress and a necklace gifted to me by a friend recently. Tonight my sweetie was inspired to make us tofu ravioli with pesto kale sauce and fried eggplant. It was so good! Hope you are having a great weekend so far too!
Thanks Miss James for the inspiration to do this post!
xoxo, Holly
LOVE the top dress. And the blue one!
Thanks Rebekka Seale! I love that they are so different. Both my sexy and cute sides.
Great photos, Holly! I'll have to do Art Hop next year 🙁
Thanks Gin! Yay it's a good time. I recommend going Saturday day too for less crowds.
hi! nice to meet you, fellow vermonter-blogger! 🙂 you’re so adorable. i was at the very same art hop, although apparently i totally suck at knowing what is going on in burlington because i didn’t even know there was a fashion’s night out until it had come and gone.
annie + alvy are awesome halloween costumes! woody allen is my king.
Nice to meet you too! I love your blog! The fashion’s night out was actually the night before art hop so you do not suck! 😉 Although I guess Art Hop on Saturday night did a fashion show event but that was unrelated to Fashion’s Night Out. My sweetie is a huge Woody Allen fan and the one who said we should do Annie Hall. It was so easy and comfortable for going out. Hope your weekend is been fabulous! We enjoyed a thrifting adventure yesterday around VT. Today is suppose to be super nice out. Yay!
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